Thursday 29 November 2012

Day 362 to 366 – The Final Post

Well, my year is over and I completed at least 3971 random acts of kindness in 366 days… an average of just over ten a day … 10.8 to be exact!

I’m really grateful to the journalist Helen Chislett for suggesting and encouraging the endeavour … I would never have embarked on it without her influence … thank you.
This Blog was not the beginning and is not the end of my acts of kindness. My random acts of services did not commence on the 30thNovember 2011, they began many years ago and were motivated by my Faith and the wonderful story of the stranded starfish.

Like most true stories my story began in the 'middle' and will forever be a record of how we can all make a positive difference to someone else’s life ... if we choose to.

I know my acts of kindness will not be nationally or internationally recognise, they do not merit a Nobel Prize or an MBE, and they will not be included in the final narrative of the 21st Century; when historians get around to write it. But in some small way each act made a positive difference to someone and for that the World must be a better place ... well at least I hope it is.

My final recorded random acts of kindness included:

30 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
5 x Gave a big smile to a stranger
4 x Gave cash to a charity
3 x Held the door open for someone
3 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been
15 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
3 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
4 x Voluntary Work for the Langford Village Community Association
4 x Voluntary Work for the Patients Reference Group

Sub total: 71
Final total: 3971

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011- Concluded 29th November 2012

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”



Saturday 24 November 2012

Day 345 to 361 – 'Reasons' To Be Cheerful!

Today was to be my first full day with my new link. Jacob (not his real name) is severely autistic and his family are in desperate need of some respite care, so they can have some time doing 'normal' things with each other; things we would take for granted.

Unfortunately I hurt my back falling on the stairs last week and I am now in the grip of sciatica … certainly a 'reason' to postpone today’s outing.

Also the Youth Club I was to take him to this morning had to close for the day because of some building work … another 'reason' to postpone the day.

To top it all … high winds and rain were expected today. This could make driving conditions dangerous … yes, you’ve guessed it, the final 'reason' to spoil a wonderful opportunity to serve Jacob and his family.

But maybe not!!!!

There are often reasons why we cannot do good deeds, but rarely are they insurmountable.

Today’s respite care went ahead as planned, the adversity was overcome and the reward was to hear Jacob squeal with laughter and delight when he bowled a strike at the ten-pin bowling alley this afternoon … sheer joy!!

Other ‘reasons to be cheerful’ over the past two weeks have included:

96 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
15 x Gave a big smile to a stranger
21 x Gave cash to a charity
12 x Held the door open for someone
8 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels
2 x Voluntary work for Take-A-Break
1 x Helped someone in need
11 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been
29 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
10 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
1 x Gave my money back after being given too much change
20 x Voluntary Work for the Langford Village Community Association
1 x Lent a stranger my telephone to make a call
3 x Replaced store’s merchandise that had fallen off the display

Sub total: 230
Running total: 3900

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”


Wednesday 7 November 2012

Day 328 to 344 - Ripples!

As I come to the end of this Blog … 22 days to go! … I am beginning to reflect on the past year and begin to wonder what consequences resulted in each individual act of kindness shown.

I am sure that many of the recipients appreciate, at the time, the kind act and maybe some perpetuated the kindness by doing good to someone else.

Maybe those of you who have read my ‘postings’ were inspired to do some good yourselves.

Maybe the act of kindness had a profound affect on someone’s life or simply reminded them that there are still people out there that care.

Like dropping a pebble into the water, acts of kindness have a tendency to ripple out, circling on and on and on. Spreading from the centre, they flow out into humanity and there is no way of telling what affect they will have and where they will end.

I’m on the home stretch now!

Pebbles dropped into life’s living water recently included:

80 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
14 x Gave a big smile to a stranger
13 x Gave cash to a charity
12 x Held the door open for someone
10 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels
8 x Voluntary work for Take-A-Break
1 x Voluntary work for Patient Reference Group (NHS)
4 x Wrote a letter of appreciation to someone
7 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been
20 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
5 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
1 x Voluntary work for the Thames Valley Police
1 x Gave my neighbour a lift into town
9 x Voluntary Work for the Langford Village Community Association
1 x Helped a stranger with her food tray at a restaurant
1 x Replaced store’s merchandise that had fallen off the display

Sub total: 187
Running total: 3670

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”


Sunday 21 October 2012

Day 307 to 327 – Showing Us the Way

This week’s outing with Harry followed the same familiar pattern; Bowling, McDonalds and City Centre shopping. Although we pretty much do the same thing every month, I still get great joy out of being with this very special young man.

As we enter the MK Centre we pass the Big Issue seller. Each time we do this I stop and buy a magazine from the vendor. Unfortunately I had no change so decided to by-pass the seller and purchase one on the way out. To my surprise and joy Harry had other ideas. He boldly walked straight up to the women and waited for me to make my purchase.

What a valuable lesson Harry was teaching me. The buying of the a Big Issue had become part of the routine of our outings together. In other words ‘doing good’ was now a habit and behaviour that Harry needed to complete. If only we all could be that teachable and make habits of 'doing good' so quickly … thanks Harry!

Other good deeds achieved these last few weeks included:

63 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
25 x Gave a big smile to a stranger
20 x Gave cash to a charity
22 x Held the door open for someone
20 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels
4 x Gave respite care to a family
3 x Struck-up a cheery conversation with a stranger
2 x Wrote a letter of appreciation to someone
7 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been
35 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
1 x Voluntary work at the NHS
4 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
1 x Gave cash to a Big Issue seller

Sub total: 207
Running total: 3483

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”


Sunday 30 September 2012

Day 301 to 306 – The Sleeping Children

During my recent trip to Paris, France, I found myself walking through the Saint-Germain district. This is quite an affluent area of the City with many luxurious houses, hotels, shops and restaurants. It is also the home of the ‘homeless’; men, women and children who live and sleep on the streets.

I passed two young children, maybe 5 or 6 yo, sleeping between their mother and father on the sidewalk. The father was patting his child to help her settle; the noise of the busy traffic and pedestrians was probably the reason why the child could not sleep.

What a pitiful and sad sight. Even now as I write this entry I am brought to tears. Why, in a City as rich and beautiful as Paris, do we have children sleeping on the streets? What sort of people are we to allow such a situation to persist in a, so called, civilised Western society?

I gave the family all the Euros I had … which wasn’t much. I wish I could have done more.

Other acts of kindness achieved this week included:

2 x Gave cash to a charity
1 x Gave cash to a homeless family
2 x Gave cash to a beggar
25 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
1 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
4 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels
2 x Gave a spontaneous gift to a friend
2 x Voluntary work with the local community association
1 x Did an act of kindness to a colleague
5 x Gave a big smile to a stranger
1 x Gave respite care to a family
6 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
1 x Gave cash to a Big Issue seller

Sub total: 53
Running total: 3276

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”


Monday 24 September 2012

Day 288 to 300 – Just Do It!!!

Over the past few years I have often been in a queue at the checkout of a store when the person in front of me has simply run out of money to pay for the goods they have selected. I’ve often wondered what would be the right thing to do in these circumstances.

Recently I was faced with this very dilemma in two stores in my town and, on both occasions, I simply pitched in and gave the person the money they needed.

Sometimes we just need to act! …‘wondering’ about things will never get the job done!!

Other opportunities presented to me recently have included:

7 x Gave cash to a charity
2 x Gave cash to a shopper short of change
64 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
3 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
35 x Wrote a letter of appreciation to someone
5 x Helped someone in need
3 x Voluntary work with the local community association
4 x Held the door open for someone
8 x Gave a big smile to a stranger
4 x Put neighbours bin back after the binmen had been
2 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels

Sub total: 137
Running total: 3223

Target: 3000+ in 12months
Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”


Tuesday 11 September 2012

Day 271 to 287 – Meeting Special People

Over the past few weeks Social Services have linked me with another autistic child. Like Harry he has very little speech and has some quite challenging behaviours. But there is something about these children that is special and unique. The day I met this boy I immediately ‘clicked’ with him and fortunately he ‘clicked’ with me; he is the most endearing child.

I’m really looking forward to spending time with this boy by providing his family with respite care.

I would encourage anyone to get involved with this type of voluntary work; especially men (they are really short of males willing to do this type of voluntary service). It can be worked around a busy career and can be a little as one Saturday morning a month. Go on! … give it ago!!

Other random acts of kindness achieved this last few weeks have included:

7 x Gave cash to a charity
93 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
8 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
4 x Involved in giving respite care
31 x Held the door open for someone
5 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels
1 x Gave some brand new tools to the guy who put down our wooden floor
9 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
8 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been
8 x Gave a big smile to a stranger
77 x Wrote a letter of appreciation to someone

Sub total: 251
Running total: 3086!!!

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”



Saturday 25 August 2012

Day 268 to 270 – “Richard … Happy?!”

(Shared with you with the permission of Harry's parents)

One of the great joys in my life is giving respite to families with autistic children. One of my links is Harry and I have been with him for 3 years and he has become like a little brother to me.

One of Harry’s behaviours involves taking pictures. He always has a camera with him and he constantly makes a pictorial record of the day we have together. He also likes to take photos of himself by holding the camera away from his face with one hand and pointing the camera back at himself … he follows the same process when taking photos of himself with his family/friends.
Unfortunately Harry has a tendency to pick out unsuspecting members of the public wanting to have his picture taken with them. Whilst bowling today he picked out a teenager in a group. I stopped Harry and could see, by the response of the teenagers, that this was not a safe thing for him to do. So I had to be firm with Harry by telling him ‘No!” … Harry wasn’t pleased with me.
We arrived at our booth in the bowling alley and Harry put his arm over my shoulder and took a picture of us both. He examined the digital photo and, seeing that I was not smiling, said, “Richard … Happy?”

He took another photograph, this time with us both smiling … I think we are friends again … J
A few more acts of kindness achieved recently include:

6 x Gave cash to a charity
31 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
1 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
2 x Gave respite care to a family by looking after Harry
3 x Held the door open for someone

Sub total: 43
Running total: 2835

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”


Wednesday 22 August 2012

Day 253 to 267 – The Mysterious Case of the Moving Wheelie Bin

It can be very frustrating when you miss the rubbish collection; especially with fortnightly pick-ups. So I have been putting out my neighbour’s bins, if needed, when I put mine out. I also enjoy putting them all back and picking-up any scattered rubbish.

Over the past two weeks I have noticed that my bin had been put back without my help; I assumed Gill had done it. Well, what a lovely surprise I had when a neighbour, I hardly knew, informed me that she had been doing it.
I know it’s not much, but it did give me a warm feeling just to know a stranger was looking out for me.
The last two weeks of kind acts included:

22 x Gave a big smile and a hello to a stranger
8 x Gave cash to a charity
77 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
7 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
1 x Gave respite care by taking-on another link
1 x Help a stranger with her pram
35 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
4 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels
1 x Voluntary work with the local community association
2 x Gave respite care to a family by looking after Luke
2 x Cut neighbours lawn
5 x Struck-up a cheery conversation with a stranger
18 x Held the door open for someone
2 x Helped someone in need

Sub total: 185
Running total: 2792

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Day 244 to 252 – The Stranger on the Bridge

In March 2011 I was driving home from our Chapel when I came across a man and a woman on a road bridge. The woman had climbed over the safety barrier and the man was speaking with her ... a classic attempt 'suicide' scenario.

I stopped my car and went to the blind side of the woman so she could not see me and hoping not to provoke her into jumping. I wanted to get near enough so I could hear what was being said and to take some positive action if required. I knew the police were on their way and I was quite content to keep everything calm until the police arrived and then hand it over to them.
Before the police arrived the woman became very agitated and her body language indicated to me she was about to jump. I looked at the man’s face and could see a look of horror appear and I thought, for the first time in my experience of these matters, that this woman was actually going to do it!
I made a grabbed for the female and, with the help of the man, pulled her back over the safety rail.
The police arrived and we gave our contact details and left the scene.
Yesterday, I met up with that stranger again, as we were both given a Commendation by the local Police for our actions on that day. Over my 30 years in law enforcement I have often been in situations like that and, to be honest, I am pretty use to it. But this young man had never been involved in anything remotely like this and when asked, by the Local Police Commander, why he stopped his car and went to the aid of the women. He simply replied, ‘It was the right thing to do.”
If only all of us were inspired to do things in life simply because it is the ‘right thing to do’, what wonderful World it be … and what a hero I met on the bridge that day.
This weeks kind acts to others, that I hope were inspired by the ‘right thing to do’, included:

8 x Gave a big smile and a hello to a stranger
8 x Gave cash to a charity
76 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
4 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
1 x Did some community service
6 x Held the door open for someone
15 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
2 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been
2 x Gave cash to a street beggar
1 x Gave First Aid to a collapsed male

Sub total: 123
Running total: 2607

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”

Sunday 29 July 2012

Day 225 to 243 - The Terrorist Suspect

On arriving at Heathrow Airport this week to pick-up a VIP visiting the London Olympics I noticed a suspicious man loitering in the Terminal building.

I observed the man and noticed he was slightly dishevelled and of a Middle Eastern or perhaps Eastern European appearance. His facial expression appeared to show he was preoccupied with something and, looking down at the ground, he shuffled aimlessly around the arrivals lounge. I knew a flight was due in from the USA and, along with my training and understanding of ‘determined suicide killers’, a picture was beginning to be painted in my mind about this stranger. Although I could see he wasn’t carrying anything, I still felt an unease about the man.

I checked the arrival time of my client’s flight and went to pull out a ‘name’ card from my file. As I did so I dropped all my paperwork all over the Terminal floor. A little flustered, I bent down to pick it all up when I noticed someone next to me, helping me to retrieve my papers … you’ve guest it! … my 'suspected terrorist' was the only one in the crowded Terminal to come to my aid ... how wrong can someone be?

I was taught a salient lesson that day.

Recent kind acts included:

16 x Gave a big smile and a hello to a stranger
13 x Gave cash to a charity
120 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to other drivers
12 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
1 x Helped someone in need
19 x Held the door open for someone
30 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
6 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been
3 x Gave respite care to a family
2 x Cut my neighbours lawn
1 x Sent a text of appreciation to someone
1 x Sent a letter of appreciation to someone
3 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels

Sub total: 227

Running total: 2484

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Day 212 to 224 – Creating Sunshine

I think I’m about to give up on the British Summer. My frequent excursions to the Gower Peninsula and the North Coast of Cornwall have been curtailed so far this summer. What I would give for a few days on the beach in the glorious sunshine!

Well, back in soggy Bicester, I am simply going to create my own sunshine by smiling more at people I pass and meet. I have felt the effects of someone smiling at me; it can change your mood in an instance and bring warmth of friendship and of our common humanity.

A few sunny encounters these last two weeks have included:

16 x Gave a big smile and a hello to a stranger
19 x Gave cash to a charity
5 x Gave cash to a street beggar
98 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to another driver
8 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
1 x Gave my support to a friend in need
1 x Voluntary work within the Community
15 x Held the door open for someone
27 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
1 x Voluntary work for the NHS
1 x Treated a friend to dinner
8 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been
3 x Helped a person in need
3 x Replaced store’s merchandise that had fallen off the display
2 x Gave respite care to a family
2 x Cut my neighbours lawn

Sub total: 210
Running total: 2257

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 199 to 211 – Pieces of Paper and Post-it Notes!

My desk is full of pieces of paper and Post-it notes with all the ‘acts of kindness’ I have remembered to record; although I tend to lose many acts on account of not being in a position to write things down and then forgetting what I’ve done! … J … must be an age thing!! … J J

I am glad I started this Blog and was very please to meet, again, the journalist who inspired/encouraged me to start it … thank you Helen … But to be honest, there is a small part of me that just wants to get to the 1st December 2012 and return to my life of anonymous service; and of course reclaiming my desk back from all these pieces of paper and Post-it notes!!!! … J

A few scribbled notes recorded the following:

11 x Gave cash to a charity
1 x Gave a big smile and a hello to a stranger
88 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to another driver
6 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
3 x Gave my support to a friend in need
2 x Wrote a letter of appreciation to someone
1 x Voluntary work within the Community
4 x Held the door open for someone
7 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
1 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels
2 x Treated a friend to lunch
1 x Bought an American friend a Lardy cake!
5 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been
1 x Said something nice to a stranger
1 x Helped a disabled motorist park his car
1 x Helped push a broken down car
1 x Replaced store’s merchandise that had fallen off the display
1 x Gave respite care to a family

Sub total: 137

Running total: 2047

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”

Thursday 14 June 2012

Day 181 to 198 – Paying the Rent!

Shirley Chisholm once said:  “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”

Payments made over the past two weeks include:

1 x Gave one of my a CD’s to a friend … she said she liked it!
14 x Gave cash to a charity
17 x Gave a big smile and a hello to a stranger
100 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to another driver
6 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
1 x Sent a text of appreciation to someone
5 x Voluntary work within the Community
14 x Held the door open for someone
8 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
2 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels
1 x Gave cash to a Big Issue seller
1 x Gave cash to a street beggar
1 x Treated a friend to lunch
3 x Treated some friends to a drink
2 x Cut neighbours lawn
3 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been
1 x Gave respite care to a family by looking after Harry
1 x Replaced store’s merchandise that had fallen off the display
1 x Cleared neighbour’s drain
1 x Cleared public footpath of overgrown vegetation
1 x Retrieved a supermarket trolley and put it in the trolley park
2 x Helped someone in need

Sub total: 173
Running total: 1910

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”

Sunday 27 May 2012

Day 163 to 180 – The First Aid Course

Last week I attended my three yearly First Aid refresher course as part of my respite carer’s accreditation. As with most courses I could not wait until it ended … same old, same old!!! …I thought.

A few days later I was at an event in London when a lady collapsed in the car park. She was surrounded by about five people who appeared to have the situation under control. I walked over to the group, probably just being nosey as usual, and noticed that women appeared to be unconscious and had a nasty cut to her head. The ‘First Aiders’ had her on her back, one was lifting her legs up, while another was trying to get water down her … this women was unconscious with a head wound!!

I asked the question of the group “Is anyone first aid trained here?” A stony silence then, “No, but are you?”

Well, I immediately got to work checking her breathing, putting her into the recovery position, ensuring an ambulance had been called and monitoring her condition; as I gave her some reassuring words as she was drifting in and out of consciousness.

It was a great feeling helping this lady, but I can't help but think I need to change my attitude towards First Aid refresher courses in the future ... :-)
Other opportunities to render aid over the past few weeks have included:

1 x Gave my tie to a friend … he said he liked it!
1 x Gave First Aid to a collapsed female
16 x Gave cash to a charity
8 x Gave a big smile and a hello to a stranger
103 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to another driver
9 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
3 x Wrote a letter of appreciation to someone
3 x Voluntary work within the Community
17 x Held the door open for someone
1 x Helped someone pick-up some mess they had made.
12 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
2 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels
1 x Gave cash to a Big Issue seller
3 x Gave cash to a street beggar
1 x Treated a friend to lunch
2 x Cut neighbours lawn
3 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been

Sub total: 186
Running total: 1737

Target: 3000+ in 12months

Commenced 30thNovember 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Day 153 to 162 – Trainspotting

Whilst travelling home from Birmingham on the train today I spotted a man and a woman both of whom had the looks and behaviours of having Down Syndrome. They appeared to be a ‘couple’ and sat there eating their lunch. She was as ‘cute as a button’ and he was very trendy with his designer stubble and long dark hair. Both were smartly dressed and sat in silence as they opened their sandwiches and their drinks; keeping themselves very much to themselves.

As the man opened his drink the bubbles shot out all over the table and he quickly screwed the cap back on and began to laugh. His beautiful companion joined in the laughter as they surveyed the mess that had been caused by his exploding fizzy drink. They both got some tissues and began cleaning up the mess. As the soggy tissues mounted up I offered to put them in the bin for them, for which he thanked me.

I then became part of the clean-up operation as they both wiped-up all the liquid from the table. Having achieved their objective I could see that the man’s hands were sticky and offered him a ‘wet-one’, for which he was grateful.

Once all clean and tidy they resumed eating their lunch together. They were obviously in love and obviously found the whole incident highly amusing.

It was a joy for me to witness this tender moment and an even greater joy to be of service to them.

Other opportunities I had to serve people this week included:

8 x Gave cash to a charity
1 x Gave a big smile and a hello to a stranger
78 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to another driver
1 x Replaced store’s merchandise that had fallen off the display
3 x Picked up rubbish in the neighbourhood
6 x Wrote a letter of appreciation to someone
3 x Voluntary work within the Community
4 x Held the door open for someone
1 x Helped someone pick-up some broken glass they had dropped.
4 x Proactively ‘gave-way’ to a pedestrian
2 x Did some DIY for someone in need
4 x Voluntary work for Ipsos Access Panels
1 x Gave cash to a Big Issue seller
2 x Gave my place in a queue to someone
1 x Gave cash to a street beggar
1 x Replaced store’s merchandise that had fallen off the display
1 x Treated a friend to lunch
1 x Gave someone a written job reference
1 x Put neighbours bin back after the bin men had been

Sub total: 123
Running total: 1551

Target: 3000+ in 12 months

Commenced 30th November 2011

Motivation for ‘’My Ten-a-day’

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”